The "I Got Your Back" Girl

Liz Sorrentino

Being from Jersey, you’d expect Liz to have your back; and that she does. Friendly and professional, Liz has a way of making her clients feel at ease.  Her style is energetic and innovative, and like all talented Jersey girls, manages multiple priorities like “it’s nothin'”.  A new challenge, a tough requirement, she’s up for it.  Resourceful and creative and willing to go the extra mile, Liz has a history of pairing up the niche.  A strong career in recruitment for IT, Life Sciences, and Health Care ensure that she understands complex details and can honestly say, “been there, done that”.

She enjoys her work because she gets to talk to someone new everyday, making an effort to end all her conversations with a positive word. Get to know her, and you can be assured what those four words will eventually be.

  • Liz Sorrentino
  • Liz Sorrentino